Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Etsy Rabbits Team Members Love About Rabbits

Bunny Noses Fine Art Photo courtesy of

- Ears
- Cuteness
- Soft fur, fluffiness
- Sweet faces
- Beauty
- Peaceful, sweet looks
- Soft doe eyes
- Cute pink rabbit tongues

- Lots of personality
- Full of contradictions
- Rabbit attitude
- Disapproving bunny rabbits
- Both girly and boyish at the same time
- Lots of different rabbit personalities

Snow Bunny Fine Art Photo courtesy of

- Hopping around the house
- Companionship
- Binkies
- Bounciness
- Speed, racing around
- Happy dances for treats
- Chinning things to claim them
- Nose bumps & twitching
- Sounds of them chewing
- Bonded pairs grooming
- Bunny snuggles

And There Is More:
- Born in Year of the Rabbit
- Rabbits from literature
- Rabbits make them laugh and feel good
- Rabbits as an art form, the variety in their poses


Carol Browne said...

Happy Year of the Rabbit to you all. Thanks for using my bunny noses photo!

ThreeOldKeys said...

Both of those photos are so ... sweet! My old cat tries, but he just doesn't do Rabbit very well.