Saturday, September 24, 2011

So Many Treasuries, So Many Rabbits Promoting International Rabbit Day

The International Rabbit Day Weekend has arrived and the rabbits are off on a celebratory treasury blitz!

Below are all the great treasuries leading up to the weekend.

We have lots and lots of treasuries hopping onto the Etsy stage to help promote International Rabbit Day. Six of the treasuries by Etsy Rabbits team captain Rabbittude are treasuries with all 16 items coming from team member shops. More treasuries to come! Click on the treasury mini images to go to the full treasury on Etsy and view all the wonderful items:

Rabbit Day Sep 24

September is for Rabbits
International Rabbit Day Sep 24, 2011
Chew on This

Bunnies For Halloween


purplepearl7 said...

The treasuries look awesome! It's quite impressive to see them all lined up like that. I'm going shopping for bunny stuff! See ya!

ThreeOldKeys said...



Really, wow !!!!!! Amazing work to collect these here.


purplepearl7 said...

Once again, Rebecca, you did an amazing job! For the amount of time you put into making team treasuries, for the selfless effort you put in, to make sure everyone was included, and no bunny left out. The sheer organizing of it all, boggles the mind. For your devotion to your team. For all of the above, i thank you!

barbaraK said...

Lovely rabbits. I love the collections and what a great blog. By the way guys, try visiting this for great recipes that you will surely love.

Anonymous said...

I want them all!!!! So many terrific and emotive collections - :)