Sunday, September 11, 2011

NEWS! Invitation to International Rabbit Day Weekend, Sep 24-25

Team leadership discovered a date discrepancy that had previously been missed. Holiday Insights has International Rabbit Day listed as the 4th Saturday of September, or the 24th this year. While Etsy's September merchandising blog has it is listed as being Sunday, September 25th

Checking more sources, the House Rabbit Society posted last year that it was the 4th Saturday or Sunday of September. So it appears while some groups have chosen Saturday the 24th, Etsy has chosen the 25th to designate as International Rabbit Day.

So, isn’t that just the way of events? Planners check dates with different sources and the next thing you know, people have been given two dates. No problem, rabbits can be flexible. We say, weekend party! Now we can have an International Rabbit Day Weekend, September 24-25th. Yay a full bunny rabbit weekend celebration!

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